Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dune Stinkhorn Phallus hadriani

Stinkhorns are a family of mushrooms known for their unpleasant odour. The fetid smell from the liquid spores attracts insects, especially flies. The insects benefit the fungus by dispersing the spores.
This Dune Stinkhorn was brought into the Ojibway Nature Centre to be identified.  The violet-coloured egg is a characteristic of this species and is commonly found in residential gardens or lawns.  These particular stinkhorns were growing abundantly on someone's front lawn.

Dune Stinkhorn Phallus hadriani

Egg from the Dune Stinkhorn

A bisected Dune Stinkhorn egg (Phallus hadriani) revealing the developing fruit.

All photographs copyright Tom Preney 2010